Traffic Calming

The Department of Transportation and Engineering (DOTE) has finally funded their Traffic and Street Calming budgets. They will be working with Community Councils to identify locations for bump-outs, speed cushions, and speed bumps.

Thanks to our work with the Neighborhood Plan, we already have a list of high-priority locations. This will be a highly competitive program. Submissions will be studied and ranked by a number of metrics, and the highest priority will receive funding.

The Traffic Calming Program is for large streets with 5,000 or more cars per day. These can receive bump outs or speed cushions. The Neighborhood Street Calming program is for streets with less than 5,000 cars. These streets are eligible for traditional speed bumps.

Community Councils must provide the top 2 priority locations as soon as possible, but no later than Friday January 28, 2022. Requests received after January 28, 2022 will not be considered. All requests received will be scored, and then ranked. Funding will be allocated to the most urgent/at-risk locations first, until all funding has been expended. Due to limited funding, it is unlikely that all locations will receive funding.

If you are concerned that a location near you may be overlooked, please reach out to to discuss.


Okay, but really...WHY a Neighborhood Plan?