Kennedy Heights Park
The original park land for Kennedy Heights Park was purchased in 1930 with additional small lots added throughout the years for a total of 12.484 acres. With its rolling hills and mature trees, the park provides a pleasant neighborhood retreat. There is a shelter house at the top of the hill, many picnic tables throughout the wooded slopes, play equipment and a soccer field. A beech grove exists in this small park and a wetland with boardwalks. Our popular Play in the Park event takes place here every summer.
For more information, click here.

Daniel Drake Park
This 66-acre park was named for Daniel Drake, who founded Cincinnati’s first medical college and who also happened to be a nature enthusiast. The park has a handsome shelter, which offers a beautiful view from its overlook, as well as playgrounds and a walking path. It’s tucked into the Kennedy Heights neighborhood.
For more information, click here.