Celebrate the coming of Spring by exploring all the resources your neighborhood has to offer. Explore a collection of vendors ready to put you in the mood to enjoy the great outdoors on Saturday, March 5th, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. residents are invited to the Arts Center Annex at 6620 Montgomery Road. There will be things to do and see both inside and outside of the Arts campus.
Outside Time Ohio - showcasing rent-able camping gear and campfire cooking demonstrations
Silverton Donuts - free donuts for all!
Hello Sunshine Yoga - offering a free outdoor yoga class at 12:00 p.m.
Kennedy Heights Arts Center - with a free kids craft of paper-making
Girl Scouts - cookies for sale
Hamilton County Recycling and Solid Waste - crafts and games for kids, composting info, and more
Urban Harvest - new gardening start-up that hopes to offer a produce pop-up in the summer.
Solar Now - offering information on how you can solarize your home
RAFFLES! Visit all five Neighborhood Plan booths to share your priorities in how we implement the finalized Plan! Every booth you visit earns you two raffle tickets to win Raffle Baskets. Prizes include five classes to Hello Sunshine Yoga, custom Kennedy Heights coasters from woodworker Thane Lorbach, and the Grand Prize of two FREE nights camping in a County Park, all gear provided, courtesy of Outside Time Ohio!