Let’s Get Digital!

To stay connected and moving forward during an ebbing and flowing pandemic, we will be holding our Community Council meeting via telephone/video conference. Thanks to the guidance of Invest In Neighborhoods, we have set up a digital council meeting through Meet on Google Suites.

Meeting Info:

Third Tuesday of every month


Phone Numbers
(‪US‬) ‪+1 574-241-1036‬
PIN: ‪453 185 950#‬

To participate by computer:

  1. Type this URL in your preferred internet browser: meet.google.com/amo-fjbm-bgq

  2. You do not need to turn on your video (but you can!)

  3. You will be automatically muted. You can ask questions by writing in the Chat box or unmute yourself when the floor is open to questions.

  4. Want a preview of what the platform looks like? Check out Page 4 of our Newsletter, available digitally here.

To participate by phone:

  1. Call ‪+1 573-621-2494

  2. Follow the prompts. Your PIN# is: ‪396 129 958#

  3. You will be automatically muted. If you have a question, unmute yourself by pressing 6* (that is 6 and then the star key)

Remember conference courtesy!

  1. All attendees will be automatically muted upon entering.

  2. If you have a question, try to be in a quiet room with minimal audio distractions.

  3. Have patience and good humor. Technology is fickle.


Neighborhood Plan: Last Chance To Leave Your Mark


Okay, but really...WHY a Neighborhood Plan?