Neighborhood Plan: Last Chance To Leave Your Mark
The Community Council and the Steering Committee are both hard at work wrapping up the Neighborhood Plan. We are grateful to everyone who has participated thus far, and hope you can participate in the final steps we have ahead of us.
First, help us prioritize the Goals. Attend our first ever March Into Spring Expo on March 5th. In addition to local vendors showing off services and wares to get you excited for being outside again, there will be booths set up with the final Goals. Visit each booth and share your highest priorities, and you will be entered into a raffle for a fabulous prize from Outside Time Ohio (learn more at
Next, attend our Community Council Meeting on March 15. Representatives from City Planning will make a final presentation, incorporating the priority feedback received on March 5th. After the presentation, members will vote to move the Plan forward. After that, Steering Committee members will present the plan to the City Planning Commission in April, and to City Council in May. Once approved by City Council, the plan will be officially adopted and will guide neighborhood decisions for the next ten years! This is the last chance to be represented in this long-lasting document. Please do not miss these opportunities to participate.